Impressionable web experience with an agile system
Website Rebrand Investment Management
The Problem

How can we create an impressionable experience for a traditional industry?

An industry who's beginnings can not be marked, but continues to serve as the foundation of our ecomonic system- Financial Services and Investment Management. In such a large and established industry, how does a name brand firm visually stand out and functionally remain the 'go-to' firm? We used creativity to defy and redefine tradition.

The Process

Let's break it down.

What's the framework?

This project had high complexity because of the customized experience each user needed. In additional, each user came from a different country which financial regulations varied. Crafting a system that is versatile and componentized would be critical to the project's success.

Guiding principles
User Customized
Creating an experience that puts the site visitor squarely at the forefront by anticipating their needs and breaking down internal silos through a practical and simple digital approach.
Orchestrating an experience that creates an intuitive understanding through consistent design for all digital site elements, assuring familiarity and creating trust for users across capabilities and teams.
Providing the most innovative perspectives and latest tools, enabling the user to get their job done in the best way. All facts, engagement, content, and solutions.

While we can not account for all mindsets in one experience, these are the primary users of the experience that was crafted. We conducted 36 user interviews to get inside the mind of our user- a Financial Services Professional. We analyzed the interviews and additional click and metadata and were able to craft three user types for our experience.

Investment Professional
Acting on behalf of their own clients or accounts, this individual seeks to find information about 'Products'. Their role requires them to move quickly, share supporting information to their clients and be up to date on the latest-and-greatest.
Institutional Investor
A trend-spotter, a Institutional Investor is plugged into the forecasts of the market that can be effected by the social, political, and economic landscape. They seek 'Strategies' on how to be react or forecast in their role.
Capital Seeker
Often are seeking capital support to provide credit funding to private organizations and businesses. This user is seeking persona contacts within a specific industry branch such as Real Estate, Infrastructure, or Private Credit.
The Nitty Gritty

Information Architecture

After reviewing data, getting to know our personas we broke down the existing website and found gaps and redundancies in information. From there, we developed a new Information Architecture to serve as the base for the new user experience.

How does it look?

The user experience of the site is focused on each user. We asked, "How can we prioritize space and essential information so that each financial professional can quickly find what they are seeking?". We analyzed each users needs and reporirotized their interests to create the structure of each page.

Bringing it to life.

Working with the existing company brand, we leveraged their pallet in a way that would create a modern, professional, familiar yet innovative experience. Using the basic 'square' as a conceptual building block, we crafted an experience that is not only modern and fresh, but able to adapt to the various user types and future company growth. With constant success and acquisitions, it was important to build a system that is adaptable, componentized, and timeless.